Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Phil is a Phil

Dear Gentle Readers,

It has come into question recently whether or not Phil is real. It seems a redhead on the opposite coast thinks that Beebe is a liar and that I am just crazy. So I give you the story of how Phil became Phil in all of it's underwhelming glory.

Photo: Phil
Location: Spaulding High School (1994)

Many moons ago, in
my senior year of high school, Sarah B., Anna H., and Phil started introducing themselves as George, Phil, and Fred. Phil stuck. It just fit her. George and Fred did not stick.

Soon everyone was calling Phil, Phil. Our parents, our friends, teachers, people at church. She stayed Phil until she graduated from high school and moved away to college in Columbus, Ohio the following January.

When she arrived on her new campus she did not tell people she was Phil because it was too much of a pain to explain such a dumb story of how she became Phil.

As a result, some of us still call her Phil, and some Karen. She answers to both, and has no preference for either.

So there you have it. Beebe is not a liar, I am not crazy, and Phil is still Phil (except when she's Karen). And now you have photographic proof of Phil making the authentic Phil-face, signed by Phil herself. Sarah B. can corroborate my story, and she works for the police so you should believe her.

The President of the East Coast Division of Yeagley-Stewart Industries


Stay tuned for a segment of the adventures of Beebe and Mitzy.


Anonymous said...

I think you were Fred.

karin said...

If the "redhead on the opposite coast" is me, Beebe is a liar. I have never doubted Phil's existence. I have known that she is Karen but did not know the story behind it. We all wondered that, THANK YOU we can now explain it to mom.

Anonymous said...

Not a problem little lady! ;)

Ann said...

What a great picture of Karen/Phil! Maybe I will call her KP.

Anxiously awaiting the tales of Beebe & Mitzi.

Unknown said...

I call her either, depending on my mood or whatever. It's too hard to decide.

chunkymonkey said...

Finally! The real true story is there for all to read! (I didn't even know it myself.)

For the record, I think that because of Ali, Tyler and all my in-laws call me Beebes . In fact, I do believe that his grandparents didn't even know my name until the wedding invitation arrived.

Anonymous said...

Well Beebe, it was all for you baby, all for you...