Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Black Tuesday

Yesterday was a very bad day for EVERYONE, except maybe Dave. I'll spare you all the details, but let's just say that the rest of us hate most of everything that happened to us on Tuesday. Monday was so lovely with brisket and fruit salad containing marshmallows. Wednesday is looking up too. But Tuesday, black Tuesday. I hate that day.


Unknown said...

Ali, talk to AJ before you go and get your HVAC done. He probably can hook you up.

Anonymous said...

He did and we're going with Dale. The other people were trying to rip us off as we suspected.

karin said...

I am curious to know about Blank Tuesday but mine was pretty good, maybe it is am East Coast thing. Or because of the different time zones ours will be happening soon- I hope not.

I know a little about Em's but VERY little because we were talking about it while she was in her cubicle where you can hear people a few cubicles over breathing.

I hope the rest of the week is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Karin, I think we were all overdue. Mostly things have gone really well for us all since we moved here. Eventually we had to have a bad day. Apparently Tuesday was it.