Saturday, March 07, 2009

Food Allergies for Food Industry Workers

I found this article to be really helpful for both the food service worker and the customer. Thank you Joseph the Food Scientist for sending it my way:

Understanding Deadly Food Allergies


Anita said...

That article was very insightful, I even found some of the comments helpful. There was one especially that urged people to call ahead to the restaurant and letting them know you're coming and what your problems are so they have time to prep.

Way to go Joseph.

Michael @ said...

I appreciate you passing this on!

Unknown said...

Great article Ali. I am going to forward this to a friend of mine who owns a restaurant. It contains a lot of great information. Having 2 kids with nut allergies, it was also a bit terrifying to read. We have been able to avoid going to the emergency room so far but I know that even If I was Superwoman I wouldn't be able to prevent everything that could possible go wrong, especially when they are older and away from me... Sigh.

Amy said...

Where's my bloggy girl!?!