Thanks to Ann, I searched for the perfect picture of an ugly couch and found many other fun pictures to entertain us, and bring several of us down memory lane. Enjoy!
Photo: Ali and Jake
Location: Indiana (1978)
Ann unintentionally has started a competition for the ugliest couch. I need to jog her memory, because it seems she forgot about this set of gems that were so ugly that someone didn't want them in the 1970s and decided to pass them on to my parents (before I was even born). This is ugly! For that matter, I hope she remembers the couch her parents had while living in Ohio.

Location: Indiana (1978)
Ann unintentionally has started a competition for the ugliest couch. I need to jog her memory, because it seems she forgot about this set of gems that were so ugly that someone didn't want them in the 1970s and decided to pass them on to my parents (before I was even born). This is ugly! For that matter, I hope she remembers the couch her parents had while living in Ohio.

Location: Ohio (1984)
I felt the need to include a picture of Mrs. Raines, our first grade teacher, since several of us had her. Me, Elizabeth, Josh S., Ann, Jake, Phil, and Emily Y. She did have us reading Dick and Jane, even in the early 80s. I loved her! Thanks Dad for letting us all be in her class. : )

Location: Ohio (1987)
This picture never stops being funny, no matter how many times I look at it. It seems little Anita lost a fight to a bee, which stung her between the eyes. You can see how much she swelled up for her 4th birthday party at McDonald's.
Also, Stewarts and Yeagleys, take note of the I'm a Little Recskooler t-shirt. We all went, and Emily S. made Karen Y. play just with her in the corner. Perhaps they can both enlighten us on their Recskool experience. Ladies?
Also, Stewarts and Yeagleys, take note of the I'm a Little Recskooler t-shirt. We all went, and Emily S. made Karen Y. play just with her in the corner. Perhaps they can both enlighten us on their Recskool experience. Ladies?

Location: Ohio (1988)
Our house soon before we left. Jakey took the picture with his tiny 10mm camera. I imagine this is the last picture of Spooky alive. I wish we could see her better. She really was the best dog ever. I'm sure even the Stewarts and Josh S. will agree, they loved her as much as we did.

Location: Indiana (1979)
This is just my favorite picture of us eating grapes on our front porch in Indiana. I also love Jakey's iron-on R2D2 and C3PO shirt.

Location: Indiana (1977)
I think this picture of floppy Jake and my dad is just awesome. I couldn't resist. Jake really did have chicken legs, which accounts for all difficulty my mother had containing his nuisance in those plastic pants.

Location: Washington D.C. (1979)
You would think that the Washington D.C. Temple would be the thing that sticks out in my memory. Nope! It's the awesome Sesame Street raincoat that Jake is wearing. It had great looped fasteners that I wish were on today's raincoats. They were so much fun to fasten and un-fasten. Plus I loved Big Bird.

Location: Indiana (1979)
This is Jakey's 2nd birthday party at the park. I specifically loved these swings because I thought they looked like candy. I really missed them when we moved to Ohio. To this day, I still have dreams about these swings.

Location: Indiana (1978)
I just thought this picture of two little redheads was cute. Also, the sheets on my parent's bed were officially retired from the linen closet in 2003. The flowers were quite faded and the sheets worn very soft and holey. I hadn't remembered how bright the flowers were until I saw this picture.

Location: Ohio (1982)
This is my all time favorite picture of Elizabeth and I. I turned into a piece of art for her when she got married. It wasn't good enough to hang anywhere but an office. She put it in her front hall anyway. She's a good friend.
Also, here's what I remember about Mike Myers -- his family turned an old school bus into a chicken coop and they named their goat after their mother, Rose. Also, they built the basement of their house several years before the rest of the house and kept of family of eight in it. Cramped quarters for sure.
The Hyatts were good friends of all of ours for the year or two they were in Ohio. They lived in an old farm house that was great for exploring. They had excellent dress-ups, old barns to play in, and the best rope-swing ever. There is still a box of burried treasure in their front yard from me (I think it included some pennies and green army men).
Also, here's what I remember about Mike Myers -- his family turned an old school bus into a chicken coop and they named their goat after their mother, Rose. Also, they built the basement of their house several years before the rest of the house and kept of family of eight in it. Cramped quarters for sure.
The Hyatts were good friends of all of ours for the year or two they were in Ohio. They lived in an old farm house that was great for exploring. They had excellent dress-ups, old barns to play in, and the best rope-swing ever. There is still a box of burried treasure in their front yard from me (I think it included some pennies and green army men).

Location: Ohio (1983)
This is my second favorite picture of April, the first is lost somewhere in my house. I'll find it one of these days and post it. It is very apparent that she did not appreciate the homemade cards and crown that we gave her. She received a box of Kleenex because she used to pull all the tissues out of other boxes all time. You'd think she'd be more excited about it here. That sweatshirt was worn by several kids in our family. Somewhere there is a picture of Emily on the potty in it.

Location: Indiana (1979)
My 4th birthday. I was obsessed with "Weenie Poop". This was in the day when Phil and I had the aliases of Margaret French Fry and Margaret Snooze. Jake had no code name at that time, he wasn't cool.

Location: New Hampshire (2002)
This is one of my favorite pictures of Yeagley Mega Blow-out Christmas 2002. This is the exact snowstorm that prevented me from getting to Elizabeth's San Diego wedding. Lookout Yeagley Mega Blow-out 2007 in Portland, OR.

Location: New Hampshire (2002)
Same storm. Scott, after using the neighbors snowblower to get us out of the driveway. I love this picture of him.

Location: New Hampshire (c. 1979)
I didn't want Scott to be left out. He was so cute when he was little. Since he was an only child, and I was not, I frequently quiz him and jokingly resent him for having all the great toys and breakfast cereals. He had Castle Greyskull and every G.I. Joe, which he launched with tiny rockets. Not fair!
OK- you win. That couch was pretty horrible. I loved the other photos, too. This is how I remember everyone in your family! Why have you all aged in real life but not in my memory?
My favorite photos:
1. the Yeagley house. Lots of good times there.
2. your Primary class picture. I had a crush on Abe Hyatt.
Where to begin? I'd like to thank Karen for being my very best friend and playing with me at Recskool. I didn't have anyone in Kindergarten in CA so I didn't talk for a whole year. Only this year am I starting to get comfortable talking to grown-ups.
Spooky was a _great_ dog.
I do remember the couch we had in Ohio. We even had it for many years in SB, CA. It was Classic Ugly, and by the time we got rid of it, it was so torn up if you sat on the left side you would fall through.
I think it's funny that Ann had a crush on Abe Hyatt. As a 5 year-old I had no idea. And I'm the one that married an Abraham. And in my life, I think those are the only 2 I've ever met.
Thanks for sharing all these memory lane treasures with us!
To this day I try not to fight with bees anymore. Two lost fights in Ohio was enough. The second one was when I stepped on the guy with my bare foot. Just goes to show how smart an under 5 year old can be.
I wish I had more pictures of you guys, especially from Carriage Hill and the little house in Albany. All those pictures are being held hostage at my parent's house.
Also, Em, we all had a crush on Abe Hyatt. He was really cute and relatively laid back.
As for your Ohio couch. We all jumped on that one too. It was very velvety soft in those days, and so we would pet the couch and watch Remington Steel, Greatest American Hero, and the Miss America Pageant.
Also -- Beebe's comments are noticeably absent. Hmmmm.
I have very few memories of Recskool. None of which involve Emily not allowing me to play with other kids. I only remember music time and we always sang songs I had never heard before so didn't know the words and finger painting with pudding on wax paper which is much more difficult than one would think. Also, we were right next to the pool and not allowed to go swimming but maybe once a month. Perhaps it was all a misinterpretation. With her good looks and my winning personality we were already the complete package so there really was no need to find other people to associate with.
I really think you should have posted the picture from your birthday party with Elizabeth attending in a leotard.
I really miss our house and all it's brightly colored carpet. The way Dave and I drive back through Ohio we pass within 20 minutes of Albany. Maybe sometime I will stop and take pictures of what our house and the Stewart's house looks like now. Ours is very different. It has a fence all the way around the house but not around the big yard.
By the way Ali, Dave told me today that Sociologists are just feminist Nazis. I don't think I have been this upset with him since he told me the US Census was useless and unfair. I just want you to know that whatever things I may say about Psychology in the near future has no bearing on my thoughts of you and your career choice but if it comes down to a war Sociology has the masses backing it and Psychology only has a few sniveling cry babies.
I love the pictures! What memories of Albany, Spooky, Abe (sigh!) and the first Mike Myers, and even the memory of going to Mr.Stewart's after running around that huge church yard. I thought it strange that our building in SanBernardino had a parkinglot instead of a field to play on.
Karen - I didn't remember wearing a leotard to a specific party, but I do remember that those are what I wore everywhere except for church and school.
By the way, I never attended Recskool-jipped!- but I do remember that song your class sang, "Bluebird, bluebird, through my window. Bluebird, bluebird, through my window. Bluebird, bluebird, through my window. Oh, Johnny I am tired." And now it will be stuck in my head the entire day.
I don't have very many memories of Ohio BUT I have enjoyed viewing some of yours. I do remember running down our long porch, sun-bathing on cement slabs and our couch was soft & velvety (I only remember that from Cali though).
Okay, I remember the Bluebird song, too. And I think fingerpainting with pudding is the best thing I have ever done in my life. It was hard, but good things come with a price.
Thank you to all of you for being really excellent commenters! You should be proud of yourselves.
I also remember the Bluebird song, and now it has been stuck in my head for days.
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