Friday, October 13, 2006

Winnie the Pooh

, Tonight Em and AJ took us to dinner at a Mexican place near Phil's house. The food was pretty descent, but the highlight of the evening was when the mariachi came and sang us Winnie the Pooh and Whistle While You Work in Spanish. It was awesome. We clapped and tipped. We decided that's where we're taking Beebe when she comes to visit so that we can have mariachis sing Disney songs to us in Spanish. Oh the fun we're having!

Emily was also very pleased when Phil and I said giblet at the same time because she had never heard that happen before tonight, and maybe never again.


karin said...

I love Disney songs and mariachis, that's interesting.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we were laughing and dancing the whole time. AJ was very good not to climb under the table.