Sunday, December 31, 2006

And the Winner Is...

Team A by one point. Final score was team A with 10 points and team B with 9 points. It was a very tight race until the very end.Now you can see who was responsible for each item. Scott surprised us all by making naked Joseph, but he said it was because he ran out of time before he could make pants. Liz gave Mary her ample bosoms in an attempt to get the edge. Anne's skills gave them an obvious advantage, it was a good way for her to put her fine arts degree to good use. Emily's baby Jesus was very much like many that we see in other nativities and so realism wins in the end.

It's nice to know we held our own until the very end. It was baby Jesus and the angel that pulled in the most votes for us. Although, Mary does look an awful lot like Mr. Bill and Joseph looks like one the Muppets in Animal's band. AJ's cow was very much like a Chia Pet. Dave made little effort because he had to do the first driving shift at 5am the next morning to Ohio.

There you have it, Team A wins. Congratulations Anne, Scott, Liz, and Emily! Thanks to all who voted. I hope your horse came in. Sorry if it didn't. Until next year...


Unknown said...

Yay! I was nervous there for a bit. What a relief that the world DOES recognize quality art.

Ann said...

I think that in the 2007 version of the dictionary, there should be a picture of y'all under the word "fun"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props Ann! We do have a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

i'm glad that team a won...everytime i got someone in ohio to vote they always went for team b. that damn baby jesus kept pulling everyone to your team.....jesus is very powerful you know.