Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year from Cat Prin

Photo: Bean as "Cat Prin"

Bean and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! He is stuck wearing the bandanna because he has a hot spot on his neck that he's not allowed to scratch, but I discovered how much he looked like "Cat Prin" when I flipped over the scarf on his head. Just for the record, he didn't like it.

I don't really make New Year's resolutions per se, but this year I have laid out my plans and goals. I have a busy year ahead of me, but very exciting I think.

I have been asked to be a teaching assistant to one of my professors, and he has said that I can work on a study looking at sexual behavior and AIDS. I am especially thrilled about this, since it is one of my areas of interest. When I asked my professor if he was looking at differences between males and females, he said no, but that I could if I wanted to. I am stoked about this since males and females are socialized differently in this country on almost everything, but especially attitudes about sexuality. I am also going to be taking difficult classes, but I expect to learn a lot from them so I am still excited.

I also have three big projects I will be working on this year, and I have asked Phil to be my project police so that I don't overload myself down the line.

One project is a children's book for Derek that Phil and I will do together. Another project is making quilts for Christmas next year, so I guess some of you won't be all that surprised, but I'm fine with that.

And last but not least, (and somewhat inspired by Anne); I am working on a documentary using all the footage I shot in August of Scott's family. I still need to interview Scott and myself, since I realized we were very obviously missing as I started going through the footage. I plan to interview lots of other people throughout the year as well, but I have not decided whether or not to make one big "film", or two smaller ones. We'll see as the year progresses, sometimes these things take on a life of their own.

My Bishop spoke briefly on Sunday at the tale end of Sacrament meeting about resolutions, as people usually do this time of year. Normally I only pick up snippets of the things people say, but I caught his message more fully than usual. This year he suggested that we make one of our goals to improve our faith by assuming that God will lighten our burdens for us if we ask. He made the point that many people carry their burdens on their shoulders, while telling themselves that they have faith, but never really letting go of the burdens. I have a hard time with this sometimes, so I am going to try to let things go.

Sorry if this is too heavy for some of you, but it's where I am right now. Last year when my Grandmother died, I had many difficult things going on all at once, and I was trying to be too many things to too many people -- so I took a step back and changed many things. It was a process, but it helped tremendously and I think now I need to work on letting go of the rest and moving forward with better faith.

Scott and I are hoping that 2007 will be a great year for us. The first half of 2006 was very difficult with all the job changes, school stress, busy schedules, and Grandma's death, but things have been steadily improving since then. I hope the trend continues for us, and I hope that Scott and I will be able to make the most of our year.

Happy New Year to all! Cheers.


karin said...

I enjoy that you have rsolutions in different aspects of like and you labled them. I only have 3 rsolutions: read the Christ books my parents gave to us for Christmas, read my scriptures more, and spend less money. I hope we can keep our resolutions.

chunkymonkey said...

This will be a great year, no doubt!

Who is Cat Prin?

Anonymous said...

There are pictures circulating the net for this cat clothing business that give you hats and outfits to turn your cat into famous characters. One of them is Hester Prin from the Scarlett Letter, called Cat Prin.


Ann said...

Good luck on the resolutions. Here's to goals!

Cute picture of Bean!

Unknown said...

Fantastic, Ali! I'm behind you all the way.