Thursday, March 22, 2007

Anytown, U.S.A.

"You've got to mulch. You've got to!" -- Cosmo Kramer, Seinfeld, Anytown, U.S.A. episode

Photo: Bird nest in my pansies
Location: My front porch

Our transformation to Anytown, U.S.A. is nearly complete. We've got hanging pansies on our front porch and a pair of house wrens (cousins of the Magillacutty's), have built a nest and laid some eggs in them. The Handratty's (the new house wrens), have been very busy the last two weeks preparing their nest, so I have to be really careful watering the pansies, which I now have to keep alive until the babies leave the nest. Let's hope no predators get the eggs this time.

And after several inspections, a pair of tufted titmouses have finally decided to have their little family in the hanging birdy condo in our front tree. They poke their cute little head out at me to say hello from time-to-time. They haven't given me their names yet, but I'll keep you posted.

Photo: New rockers
Location: My front porch

We found the porch rockers on sale at Wal-Mart for dirt cheap after looking for nearly three years. Scott sits in them all the time. They are really nice to sit in on our farmers porch. The last step to Anytown, U.S.A. is to add a flag to our front porch, which I refuse to do on principle. No kitties or dragonflies will fly from a flagpole on my front porch.

Photo: Cut flowers
Location: My kitchen table

Spring also means that cut flowers go on sale and the options increase. Since I have had so much company recently, I have had reason to buy some. I got tulips and purple mums for my mom, then she got me terracotta and yellow roses, and I picked these up for the grandparents. I love cut flowers, but not as much as my mom.

Photo: Baby tomato plants
Location: My kitchen table

And finally, the baby tomatoes have sprung in the last couple of days. I should have Roma tomatoes by end of June. It looks like all the seeds germinated, so I may be giving some of these seedlings to Bells and Righters if they have room for small tomato gardens at their homes.


New things will be arriving at our house this week, so keep an eye out for the post.


Karen B said...

I thought the Handratty's lived there last year.

karin said...

I LOVE those rockers, I want a front porch with rockers. We have a patio but Austin runs and runs out there and pushes things (like the wagon, his tractor, laundry baskets). I agree about the flag thing, I am always do tempted to buy one but then I think "are ya kiddin' me."

Unknown said...

Good for sticking to your guns and saying no to flags. It surprises me how much you like flowers and plants since Phil hates them so.

We welcome little tomato plants with open arms, come late April.

Anonymous said...

I've got extra tomato cages to you can borrow Em. The seedlings doubled in height yesterday in the warm sunshine. I'll put them out again today and see what happens to them.

Anonymous said...

Quick update -- There are now four eggs in the nest.

chunkymonkey said...

All of this looks so inviting! No wonder you have so many house guests. Love the rockers and the tomatoes and the flowers and I don't love porch flags as a general rule (so much "yad-aught" these days) unless it is the 4th of July.