Address: #3 Hanging Pansies, Ali's Front Porch, NC
Hallelujah!! The babies survived the overnight freezing temperatures we've been having the last three days. The Handratty's are good parents. The babies have already grown quite a bit since Saturday. It doesn't look like their eyes are open yet, but their heads look a little more stable.
Rest assure, I did not disturb the nest anymore than absolutely necessary to take these photos. I waited the normal three days to water and watered in the same order so that the parents would know what I was doing. I also turned my flash off to keep the parents and babies from getting upset. Papa Handratty spent a little time helping Mama Handratty calm down in the tops of the trees by giving her little kissy pecks on the beak and preening her feathers while she cussed me out and flapped her wings. Both parents were back in the nest within five minutes of my watering to check on the babies. Bill says that the nest can handle a little disturbance. I was worried about the parents abandoning the babies.
So, the babies need names!!! I would love to hear what the little kids think the names should be. There are four birds and there is no way for me to know if they are boys or girls, so anything is up for grabs. I am partial to Lulu and Henry, but that's all I have so far. I am open to suggestions. Can't wait to hear what you all have to offer these nameless babies. Hmmm, maybe Dabnis.
Rest assure, I did not disturb the nest anymore than absolutely necessary to take these photos. I waited the normal three days to water and watered in the same order so that the parents would know what I was doing. I also turned my flash off to keep the parents and babies from getting upset. Papa Handratty spent a little time helping Mama Handratty calm down in the tops of the trees by giving her little kissy pecks on the beak and preening her feathers while she cussed me out and flapped her wings. Both parents were back in the nest within five minutes of my watering to check on the babies. Bill says that the nest can handle a little disturbance. I was worried about the parents abandoning the babies.
So, the babies need names!!! I would love to hear what the little kids think the names should be. There are four birds and there is no way for me to know if they are boys or girls, so anything is up for grabs. I am partial to Lulu and Henry, but that's all I have so far. I am open to suggestions. Can't wait to hear what you all have to offer these nameless babies. Hmmm, maybe Dabnis.
Edie feels that one of the babies should be named Edie and another one, Evan, although she is also fond of the name Molly (her fish's name). I'll let you know if Dean or Drew can come up with something better. I think Mr. Handratty needs a Jr. What is his first name?
They are Mr. Lou and Priscilla Handratty.
Stig. Shiva just had a cousin that had a baby and named it Stig. Stig is not short for anything.
Dean likes the names Zack and Flyie. Lou Jr. sounds good to me. But he goes by Louie.
I asked Adam and he said Blue (he was Blue's Clues at the time and was not about to turn away) and Flower (there is a flower in the picture with the birds). I like Ann's suggestion of Louie and Dean's suggestion of Flyie. I could not ask Austin because he is rolling around in a Rubbermaid box that usually holds foam blocks. Maybe Celia after Mrs. Handratty.
I am curious to read what others think.
Conrad's suggestions are Bird and Duck (with a heavy r on Bird). I don't think he meant to include "Ri Dare" in the list, it is just what he says in response to most questions.
He's not slow, he's just the young guy.
how about big orange handratty?
The big one definitely looks like a Grenno.
Bill and Wendy said, "It appears they live in the high wrent District and I believe their parents have made a fortune in the wrent to own business. They are certainly not wrenting their home but just own it outright. I think they should be named Smith, Barney, Payne, Webber."
I really like Big Orange, Flyie, Stig, and Ri Dare.
After reading about Stig, I feel better about naming a person. I can't imagine a worse name than Stig.
Derek says their names should be Chip, Dale, Chickie, and Nakes.
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