Thursday, May 24, 2007

Root Canals Are For The Birds

Although if birds had any teeth, I wouldn't wish a root canal on them either. My root canal experience began with painful drilling to the center of my tooth, and ended with a seizure-like episode around midnight last night, thanks to a narcotic painkiller called Darvocet. I cried during the procedure because it hurt so much, and I still have to go back for more in two weeks. Turns out a pulp stone has been causing me massive pain when chewing. I am not sure getting it out was worth all this.

Then later last night I thought I was going to die, and when Scott found me on the bathroom floor with my eyes wide open and totally unresponsive he thought I was going to die too. It was all too freaky. Long story short, it was probably caused by the Darvocet and I spent all day in and out of doctors' offices with Emily, Hyrum, and Phil. My jaw still hurts and now I have to go in for an EEG in two weeks.

This day stinks for everyone. Scott wishes Phil was there for the whole thing instead of him. He's not used to this kind of thing. His descriptions to both my PCP and the neurologist did provide some entertainment for Emily, Phil and I. Hyrum could have cared less. I think Scott deserves some kind of award for the entire trauma I caused him last night because of the scariness of my episode, but I'm not sure he should keep it for all the complaining he did about my medical state before and after the episode. I love Scott dearly. He's good at many things. He's lousy with illness of all sorts. I guess it's lucky I love him anyway.

The end... for now.


Elizabeth said...

eye'm soury taht yu hadd sach u baad dai. eye hoppe yu feal bettr soun.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your lovin' Liz. Also, thanks for not making fun of me like I thought you were.

Unknown said...

Too bad illness isn't one of Scott's strengths, because you're rife with it.

And Hyrum DOES care, he just expresses it through grunting a lot.

karin said...

I think dealing with sickness is more of a woman strength and Evan is squawking for you.

chunkymonkey said...

Are you allergic to Darvocet or what was the deal with it? Did the Docs tell you? Scary and dramatic!

Anonymous said...

Either allergic or O.D.'d. Who knew a little Mormon girl could do such a thing. I never want Darvacet again.