I had suspected that he brought our budget with him to our anniversary Thai dinner when he walked into the restaurant carrying a beat-up, old, blue binder from our office supply closet, only to be surprised with a full page list of many of his favorite moments in our relationship. Not only was I stunned at the thoughtfulness of this gift, but that he remembered so many things that I had forgotten about. I was equally impressed that he would think of such a romantic gift and that he could remember things at such a level of detail. I always knew he was a nostalgic guy, but I hadn't realized he had so many things that had happened between us logged in his favorite nostalgic memories.
After dinner, he put in a French comedy that was so funny that the subtitles weren't even noticeable. He also bought blueberries so that he can make me pancakes for breakfast this morning. I am really excited about this since I discovered a few weeks ago that he is a genius at pancakes.
My hubby often acts like he isn't a romantic at heart, but as is evidenced by last night, clearly that just isn't true. When we first started dating, he picked me up from a business trip with a handful of peach carnations simply because they matched my hair. He frequently makes me the best and most original cards. For Christmas one year, he went back to a local shop weeks later to get me a really cool bracelet I had seen and liked. And on Valentine's Day a couple of years before that he showed up with very expensive Belgian and French chocolate, roses, and the Amelie soundtrack because he said he couldn't get away with giving his 27-year-old wife just a cool CD anymore. It was cute.
I HEART my hubby and his mad romantic skillz. I can't wait to see what he does to keep me on my toes over the next 30 or 40 years. I expect it'll be something good, because my man can bring it. It doesn't hurt that he's cute too.
Scott is The Man!
We just had an anniversary, too, and I would venture to say that Pie came close to Scott-level in romantic-ness this year.
Congratulations on 8 great years (gr8 years?)
Wow. I mean WOW. Does he teach a class or anything?
Does this mean that you have to be just as romantic?
That is as sentimental and sweet as any romantic could ask for. Awww!
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