Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Life As A Dependent = LAME

My posts have been a bit scattered lately due to mega-health problems. None of which will kill me. All of which make my life, and the lives of those around me, more inconvenient. I am not driving for the next five weeks and I've now been reduced to a junior high kid begging rides off of everyone. Hubby says that I owe my sister babysitting for life plus one kidney. After this, I may have to purchase all of Cousin Liz's jewelry and then custom order some more. Friends, Emily and AJ, may just have to have me paint their entire new house when they get one. I think I owe everyone now. I sort of prefer being ahead, not behind.


karin said...

What is going on? I heard you had a new job thus the reason for the lack of posts. I will email you in a little while (the boys are hungry).

Karen B said...

I got my payment with turkey sandwiches. I feel we are even.

Karen B said...

Dear Ali, I posted on my blogomathing.

Unknown said...

Whatever, Ali. We're finally getting a chance to try to catch up, even though we never could even if you coudn't drive for life.

chunkymonkey said...

Karin and I have long agreed to not keep track. Ann and I are doing that too, now. At least I am not keeping track. Does that mean that subconciously I owe them big?

Sorry about the yuckies. And the lack of driving. You could drive Scott nuts. Just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Your illness must be a result that stems from being the oldest in the family. The oldest always get the raw end of the deal. As the "middle oldest" in our family, I can certainly attest to the truthfulness of this fact.

Unknown said...

Hey Ali, I would definitely say that I still owe you huge and what goes around comes around. I don't know how much I can help you out from up here but if you need anything, let me know.