Friday, August 24, 2007

Mashed Potato Smile

Happy Birthday Miss Emily Anne! She's still the only 27-year-old I know that has that famous mashed potato smile.

What's a mashed potato smile you ask? Why it's just exactly the same as the one little leaguers make after practice with orange wedges. The only exception being that one giggle out of Miss Emeline and a spray of mashed goodness nails all inhabitants in a ten-foot radius.


Unknown said...

nasty, yet funny

Karen B said...

It isn't very often that I get a good reason for not living near Emily. Normally, I miss all them Arizona girls. But I don't want to be covered in mashed potatoes. I like mine fresh...with sour cream, not saliva.

Karen B said...

I made a posty wosty just for you.