Monday, October 22, 2007

Aunt Loraine

I would appreciate everyone's patience for just one more day on the fake-Thanksgiving post. My get up and go, got up and went. I also found out last night that the women who was my favorite relative for many years, and whom I am named after, passed away. Because of my health I am not going to be able to go to the funeral, which is really disappointing because I loved Aunt Loraine so much. She was sharp and funny and I adored her. Many of my happiest childhood memories took place at her little yellow house in Hurricane, UT. It was a very sad thing when alzheimer's took her away from us many years before she passed. And as sad as it makes that she is gone, I am happy for her because she wanted to go many years ago. I miss her a lot.


Unknown said...

I'm sad about Aunt Loraine for you, too. Let me know if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Em. Beebe called me yesterday and we had a nice long chat about Aunt Loraine. It was just what the doctor ordered.