Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Photo: The Auntie's Jewelry

When the weather gets to be in the 60s and it's sunny in February, the only logical thing to do is spend the day with the Aunties (otherwise known as the Golden Girls). Phil's mother-in-law and Auntie-in-law are in town visiting this week from Ohio and they are lots of fun. Yesterday I picked them up so that we could spend the afternoon shopping together for Valentine's Day and for their sister Mary, Liz's mom's, birthday.

We went to the cute little shops in downtown Apex, which are few in number, but still reminiscent of my days in Portsmouth, NH. One jewelry store in particular is filled to the brim with lovely baubles and shinies that are handmade by local artisans.

For anyone that appreciates such shimmering trifles -- which was clearly us -- it is a true test of restraint!
As it turns out, great things don't only come in robins egg blue boxes, they also come in pink boxes. Like Paul eying her moving meanie, we just couldn't look away. We all carefully and thoroughly appreciated each glimmering piece that was in the store. In the end we all walked out with something that glitters.

The Golden Girls and I continued our shopping at a few other stores in Apex. One of our stops was to Old Navy, where the ladies picked up some Valentine goodies for Liz and Phil. I assisted them in picking out styles and sizes. As a result, I've decided that I like shopping for Phil better when she isn't there. I think she likes it better too since she wants to go shopping about as much as the rest of us want a root canal.

The Aunties surprised me to with the striking trinkets you saw above. I will be wearing them often because I love them!

Photo: Beebe's Guitar

And in an unexpected birthday surprise, a package arrived in my mailbox from my oldest (27 years now) and one of my dearest friends Elizabeth. I am so excited because it is such a fun present. Of course the only presents I love as much as the sparkly presents are the super fun presents. I LOVE toys!

My collection is growing so fast I think I need to build a couple of small shelves in my office for them. I really think this present needs to live next to the sea monkeys and my tiny slinky. Or maybe next to the little pigs that are 1/64 the size of a real pig. Or maybe with the pop rocks chemistry set. Hmmm.... such big decisions.

Lovely day filled with lovely things in lovely weather. I am a lucky gal. Thanks Beebe and Aunties for all the fun and the love!


Unknown said...

I'm like a racoon I love sparkly things so much! And from the photo I thought Beebe had sent you a full-sized guitar! Happy belated birthday to you! (Our present is still in process. AJ was up until about 12:30 last night working on it)

karin said...

I, like Emily, thought the guitar was full-sized. I enjoy getting gifts too.
I thought that I had already commented here but I am remembering that my childrens were NEEDING attention after I first read this.