Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh How I Wish I Had Regular Sleep

Photo: Blue Suede Bean
Location: The Guest Bed

With lots of company and many actual things occurring, it's been quite awhile since I've even had a regular post. As some of you may remember, I have terrible trouble with insomnia as of late. I blame my mother. I am not troubled, just unable to sleep.

Now that allergy season and yellow pollen is upon us (and our cars, porches, and nearly everything else), I have the opposite problem. Now I can't seem to get any less than ten hours in a row. More than anything I would like to live like Scott. He falls asleep by 11, stays asleep, then wakes up around 6AM refreshed and ready to go.

Why can't I get 5-7 hours of sleep and feel divine? I wish it with all my heart. In a perfect world I would fall asleep in less than ten minutes and wake up ready to greet the world about eight hours later. Every night. Maybe even a solid 40-minute nap in the early afternoon with no repercussions. Imagine.

We've all been affected by the allergies. Phil's been nauseous from all the Ash tree pollen, and poor Bean ripped himself a nasty hot spot on his shoulder. Now he has to wear the blue suede dog jacket I bought him two years ago for his last hot spot. I had to take him to the vet for a Cortisone shot and all the vet assistants came in to Ooh and Aah over his stylish jacket. Then one assistant said he was soft as a bunny. If only he got that kind of admiration for his beauty and softness at home where he doesn't have to shake like a leaf and hyperventilate.

I guess this is the price we pay for the most beautiful spring in the world. Seriously, it's like the Garden of Eden around here for months. I guess I'll quit whining about the lack of sleep. I DO love all the birds' nests, flowers, and bright green baby leaves on the trees. If I only I could get proper sleep. Then things would be perfect!


karin said...

I can totally relate. Last night I tossed and turned for a less than hour nap I took with the boys. Em called me at midnight (your time) because she couldn't sleep either and I had wonderful advice for her (which apparently did not work for me).

If you get any good things that work, let me know.

Karen B said...

I think maybe last night was the night of no sleep. I didn't go to sleep until 4:30 and Murphy stayed up all night making gross noises which woke up Dave who made sleepy demands of no dog slurpy noises.

chunkymonkey said...

I'm tired just reading your blog, and my eyes started to itch and water even more.

Unknown said...

We washed our car yesterday of the nasty pollen, and vowed to never park near a tree in spring again.

Sleep-wise, I have nothing for you. My nightly benadryl is too strong for most, often not enough for me. But it is a 2-bird thing, since it helps with allergies and sleep issues.

Anonymous said...

The most satisfying sleep I get is when I make whatever girl is in my bed go sleep on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Well Jakey, you are a dirty, dirty boy.

Elizabeth said...

i am hopeful that the rain has washed all of the pollen away.

but have you noticed that it makes all of the puddles look like yellow green acid pollution. i feel like i am being poisoned w/ every breath i take....poisoned by acid pollen water....maybe we should convince dave that it is because of global warming.