Thursday, April 12, 2007


I promised Karin, and I never go back on promises. Even if I want to. I don't think I have many things that qualify as obsessions, but more as habits, addictions, or whatever. I'll let you know what I think of each.
  1. Checking Email, Blogs, my cell phone call list, and the MSN Homepage. I feel the need to keep my contacts up 24/7. Classification: Obsession.
  2. Cheerwine. Sounds awful, but is really cherry cola made in Charlotte, NC. It's delicious. I was afraid to try all the way up until the end of last summer, but once I did, I couldn't stop. Classification: Addiction.
  3. Being the boss of EVERYONE. I don't know how to sit back and let someone else be in charge. It pains me to let someone else tell everyone the plan. Classification: My Nature.
  4. Designing stuff. Now that I don't design stuff for a living anymore, I can't seem to stop doing it on my own time. Currently working out ideas for nurseries for Emily's baby, and Phil's when she gets pregnant. Last night I worked on the laundry room and pantry. Also working on business cards for the freelance business, and a website for Jen. Oh, and portraits of Em, AJ, and BBR when he finally gets here. Mind you, it's all in the catalogs of my brain. Classification: Obsession.
  5. Sleep. Always trying to find ways to get it. When it finally comes, I submit immediately for fear of not getting any later. Classification: Need.


Anonymous said...

Some of that sounds like a classic case of "Monkey Brain" --Amy

Anonymous said...

What is Monkey Brain?

Anonymous said...

It's a term we used for people who just can't shut their brains off, sometimes keeping you from sleeping or focusing on something you really should. Basically it's when you think to much...and your brain is running around like a bunch of little monkeys.

Anonymous said...

Aaah! Yes, I always have Monkey Brain then.

Ann said...

Pie has some handy meds for his so-called monkey brain. It has worked wonders for his sleep.

Unknown said...

I can vouch for everything on Ali's list. And I look forward to the day I can try cheerwine, too.

karin said...

Thank you for making the list. I half most of those too.

Anonymous said...

No problem Karin. We did, after all, have a deal.

Em, I'll bring you some Cheerwine post delivery.