Friday, July 18, 2008

Stand 10 Feet Away

Photo: Hubby Petting Beans on the Front Porch

Hubby's been working from home. A lot. He was here for four full days this week. I really liked him for the first three of those days. Today I did not. Around noon I had to leave because from ten feet away he was in my space. He kept asking me too many questions. Nagging questions. I said mean things to my sister on the phone because I was irritable. I had to call her later to apologize. She said I wasn't mean, but I was.

I went to Cousin Liz's to get the mail, water her plants, re-set her A/C, and leave a light on for her return from a month's vacation. I sat on her couch and stared at the wall for about twenty minutes.

I got in my car, and called my other sister and begged (okay, I didn't really beg) to come over because my every last nerve was pressed. I couldn't get anything done at home because I was bugged. I stayed at her house for four hours. I came home and made super chocolaty raspberry brownies. Hubby started hovering, and the steam was starting to emerge from my ears, so after I picked up Cousin Liz at the airport, we went back to my sister's where we stayed and visited with their out of town company for a couple more hours.

I think I am finally less bugged, so hopefully I can go back to liking hubby tomorrow. I can't make any promises, but it's date night so I hope I like him again by then. I'm so cranky that a smiley face sticker could make me want to spit in it's face.


karin said...

I understand. I know why weekends are 2 days and it is nice to have a 3-day-weekend but longer than that is usually not a good thing. I like to have my space (yes I share it with 3 boys but I am the boss when it is just us and I like it that way- most of the time).

The Eslinger Family said...

Haha. Cute post Alice! I'm sure you're loving your hubby again already! =)
Oh..and your kitty in the picture looks EXACTLY like our cat. CRAZY! I'll have to send you a picture! Maybe they're cousins. =)

Anonymous said...

The crankiness finally wore off around 10:30 PM tonight during Pride & Prejudice, which neither of us had seen. Kitty was born in Danvers, MA so if your kitty is a MA kitty then they could indeed be related.

Unknown said...

I loved this post - hilarious. It HAS to happen to every couple...Only, when I consider that I might bug Greg once in awhile and make him want to spit, I think, how rude!! hehehe

Was it the newer version of pride and prejudice? beautiful to watch eh?

Unknown said...

Oh, And I love your sneaky picture from 10 feet back.

chunkymonkey said...

Ain't it the truth. We miss them when they aren't around and then want them back at work when they are around. We girls are a crazy bunch!

And I thought you meant Kitty from P&P. How had you not seen that before? They are just beautiful (both the A&E and newer versions)

Unknown said...

glad you got well soon.

CP said...

Glad that you can get closer than 10 feet again!

Thanks for your comment. I'm sure you are right that I've developed an allergy. But, other than stay away from all onions, really what else can I do about it? Is that a totally simplistic view?

Shawn Macomber said...

He can't be all bad if he doesn't hate you for putting this online! I think my wife would do that thing Jesse Jackson wanted to do to Obama if I did...

Unfortunately, mostly what this did is put raspberry brownies in my head.