Location: Phil's House (October 14, 2006)
The fake-Thanksgiving tradition was started last veteran's day with Dave's mom, Nancy, and our two British friends, Sarah and Kayleigh (although Phil and I have participated in fake-Thanksgivings in years past). This year's festivities not only included a grand meal, but fake-graduation ceremonies for the 2006 graduates who were not able to participate in a school sponsored ceremony for one reason or another. For other accounts of the day's festivities, click on Scott or Emily.

Liz was the decorating committee. She very creatively decided to make name cards that were a variation of the traditional hand turkeys, done by hundreds of thousands of American elementary school children. She instead traced the paws of her dog, Sophie, and Phil and Dave's cat, Paul, and dog, Murphy. She turned their paws into turkeys instead. Bravo Liz! Bravo!

I got ambitious and decided to make an appetizer fit for an Emily Gilmore party. These are pepper canapes made with tiny sweet peppers, cream cheese, fried plantain chips, jalapeno stuffed olives, fresh mango and lime zest, and chives. It was a very time consuming project, but worth the effort. They were a smashing success that Joseph would be proud of. Liz and I had a surprisingly great time frying the plantains. They slid in the pan like tiny snow sleds and bubbled up very quickly. It made my house smell like a Mexican restaurant for a couple of days, but it was so fun. I must confess, I did get the recipe from the Food Network.

Every time I look at this picture it makes me think of Cookie Monster singing his 'C' is for Cookie song and playing Alistair Cookie on Monster-piece Theatre. These pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies are really addicting. Several people were very distressed when the cookies accidentally went home with me at the end of the night. I can post the recipe if people want it. It is my mother's and her old co-workers salivated in wait for these cookies every fall, much the same way we all do for Girl Scout cookies.

Here is the back of the line for the fake-Thanksgiving buffet, which consisted of a twenty pound turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato wedges, stuffing, rolls, cornbread, green beans, corn, peas, cranberry sauce, gravy, chocolate trifle, apple dumplings, and of course... pumpkin pie. We had candied apples, cookies, mulled apple cider, and the pepper canapes as well. We were well fed!
For an early Christmas present, Dave and Phil gave each other a turkey roaster. They are great! I highly recommend you get one if you need to free your oven of the bird and save a little cash in electricity bills. The turkey was perfect! Although, Dave and his magic brine make our roast beasts divine every real and fake holiday.

Yes, we count on Matt and his belly of love to make a dent in our food at all our gatherings. He has been working on this for us for some time.

See, here he is planning his next course. Kidding of course, he's actually very athletic.

Scott is posing in his post-turkey relaxation lean while he waits for fake-Graduation to start.
I don't have any idea what is so funny, but it must have been good.

While we graduates were in the back getting our gowns and caps on, Phil got her speech in order while the band (Mary and Nancy affectionately referred to as the Golden Girls) practice the graduation march on their kazoos.

I'm in there too, but I'm hidden by Emily's tallness. We marched in wearing old high school and college robes and caps. Murphy was Dean of Students, Dave was the Chancellor. Our dean attended part of the ceremony, but got a little freaked out when she was given applause.

Phil was the keynote speaker. Her topic was celebrity graduation speeches and what we learn from them. She ended with a youtube performance of Jodi Foster quoting Eminem's 8 Mile song. Liz, Emily, and I also gave speeches as valedictorians of our classes. I was ultimate and Emily was penultimate speaker. AJ chose not to speak because he thought he was too cool for school.

The Golden Girls were unable to contain themselves during the speeches, but they managed to get it together before they played us out on kazoos. Emily will be posting the distribution of Diplomas as soon as she has internet at her apartment. My degree was Bachelor of the Head Shrinking and Mental Bossiness. Liz received a Master of Zookeeping and Homework Giving, Emily received a Master of Pretend Math and Excessive Trivial Pursuit Knowledge, and AJ received a Bachelor of Head Shrinking that is in No Way related to Electricianing.

No graduation can occur without at least one streaker. Sophie was ours, although she was wearing a Halloween collar and she was detained by one of the graduates.

We are wearing our rose colored glasses given to us by the Golden Girls so that we can further avoid the real world. Also, we received some charming Mardi Gras beads, although we did not have to earn them the traditional way thank goodness.

The graduates scurried to find their family and friends after the ceremony was over. It is always so crowded, but we found each other.

Ah, behold the glowing spouse who deeply wishes I were making money instead of going to school again. What a good sport. My rose colored glasses will come in handy for graduate school.

Since real-Jake ditched us in favor of New Hampshireites, we had to substitute with fake-Jake. Obviously he had no say in how we dressed him. I like his spangly necklace and earrings.

Marya looked fab as always, despite the fact that she got up at 6AM to proctor the SATs. She is currently working as a zookeeping homework giver.

After the fake-Graduation ceremony and an enjoyable game of Catch Phrase, I settled in with mulled apple cider to watch the fake-Christmas events unfold. Muppets Christmas Carol played in the background while Phil, Mary, and Liz put up the Christmas tree. The big dogs and Jack Jack were still locked out on the porch, so Murphy was super mad by then.

Liz and Phil put all the sticky body parts on the wreath. You can easily make out the nose, but not much else. It's better in real life.
I really think you should link to jodie foster on you tube.
Done. http://youtube.com/watch?v=KghdDdJ2BT0
Looks like everyone had a great time. Do you want to come to CA to make Thanksgiving Observed dinner, yours looked DELICIOUS!
I've been telling the kids "no Thanksgiving dinner this year" due to the fact that my due date is the day after and I'm sure I'm not going to feel like cooking anything more than a frozen pizza that day. But maybe a Fake Thanksgiving would be good for us, too... I can cook a turkey on some random day at the beginning of November! Y'all are full of good ideas.
Karin, I would be happy to come cook for you all of you this observed Thanksgiving, pending of course on the plane ticket you send to me free of charge.
Ann, I highly recommend you take that course of action, but don't let Emily think your stealing our holiday. She might beat you up. Clearly you have good reason though. Although, if I were you I would order Thanksgiving in from some catering company. I would already be making frozen pizzas for dinner every night between now and the baby's arrival.
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